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Sensitive Word - INSTITUTION

Sensitive words are intended to ensure that companies are not using a name that does not reflect the location, size or nature of the business conducted by the company. There are approximately 50 words that Companies House regard as sensitive. If you have a company incorporation with us that includes this sensitive word in the company name you can follow the guidance below to facilitate your order. If you would like to incorporate a new company with the word "INSTITUTION" in the name please click here to get started.
What Companies House say about using the word INSTITUTION
approval for use of these words is normally given only to those organisations which are carrying out research at the highest level or to professional bodies of the highest standing. You will need to show us that there is a need for the proposed institute and that it has appropriate regulations or examination standards. You will need evidence of support from other representative and independent bodies.
What do we need to process your application?
1. All supporting documents should be emailed to The Company Wizard as an image or Word attachment.
2. To use this word you must provide us with evidence from an independent UK body. You must also demonstrate that you are conducting research on the highest professional level