19 Mar | If you're struggling with your self assessment tax bill, don't panic. We look at some solutions that may help. |
6 Mar | There may come a time where your business needs a smaller workforce and your employees are not at fault. This is where redundancy comes in. But what's involved, and how should you approach the situation? |
24 Feb | Struggling to decide when is the right time to move to dedicated office space? There are a few things to consider - it's not all about the cost |
21 Jan | Struggling to keep your cashflow in order? There are some ways you can reduce the burden from negotiating to planning. |
13 Jan | If you're considering expanding your workforce, hiring an apprentice may the way forward and could prove to be a great asset for your business |
16 Dec | If you have the entrepreneurial spirit and want to start a business, you need to know exactly where you start. We look at idea generation, planning and skills |
9 Dec | If your business is growing, franchising may seem like a good opportunity and the right direction to take it. We take an overview of franchising your business |
27 Nov | Thinking about VAT, or just confused about the concept? We take a look at some of the key points of VAT itself, and how to register |
21 Nov | If your business is growing, you may have considered outsourcing as part of your plan. But there are drawbacks as well as advantages. |
24 Oct | There are many reasons why a business could fail. We take a look at 10 of these, and how they could be avoided |
23 Sep | A private company limited by guarantee does not have any shares or shareholders; instead, it has members who provide a guarantee for the amount of money they are willing to pay should the company run into difficulty. |
28 Aug | The Charity Commission has set rules that automatically disqualify those in a position of power within the charity; this includes trustees and senior managers of the charity. |
22 Aug | Company Formation, also known as Company Registration, is the process of registering your business with Companies House |
14 Aug | A business disaster can strike at any time and to anyone, but is your business truly prepared it? |
31 Jul | It’s often said that you need to pick a business niche and stick with it when starting your business; however, that might not necessarily be the right way for you to start. |
8 Jul | If you’re unsure of the reasons why your application could be rejected, or what you can do to avoid rejection, this post aims to highlight the common reasons for rejection by Companies House |
13 Jun | If you plan to sell over the phone or online, there are a couple of things you need to know. We take a look at the related laws. |
16 May | Your company may not be affected by all of the changes, but this article will help keep you on top of what you need to know and whether you need to act. |
28 Mar | How can you prepare for the unexpected? This is where contingency planning comes in. Think of it as a Plan B for your company. You might never use it, but it’s good to have it there if you need it. |
25 Feb | The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency (ECCT) Act and new rules regarding registered emails and new lawful purpose statements. |
1 Feb | Whether it’s your first time setting up a limited company or you’ve done it before, it’s always good to make sure you’ve got everything covered. So, let’s take a look at the top five things you need to know about setting up a limited company. |
15 Jan | Running a business can be complex, and you need to try to keep everything working in the right direction. |
13 Dec | There are several reasons why you may wish to make a company dormant. We take a look at some of these reasons, and how you do it. |
22 Nov | Autumn Statement 2023 in review |
15 Nov | There comes a time in business when you need to pass the torch to another person. This may be because of retirement, or just not wanting to shoulder the responsibility any longer. |
2 Nov | When you set up a limited company, you must provide a registered address to Companies House, HMRC and any other government body that requires it. But what is a registered address, and are there any rules regarding which address can be used? |
13 Oct | This post is designed to help you if you’ve chosen to set up a Limited Company but want to ensure you set it up correctly. |
25 Sep | Your vision statement should describe the long-term result of your business’s efforts and whether you have any values you want to convey. |
30 Aug | Managing your time between work and personal life can be tricky, but sometimes it needs to be done - for the best |
24 Aug | If you want to have a successful business, there are steps you need to take and plans you need to have in place. Without taking these steps, your business could be doomed to fail before you even start selling your product. |
9 Aug | A lot of people think about going self employed, but there are some key things to consider |
12 Jul | Make the most of your meetings with these top tips to keep them on track and ensure your time is used efficiently |
6 Jul | We've compiled this helpful post to clarify what a PSC is and what needs to be included in the PSC register. |
15 Jun | Your business may be running smoothly, but what things can you do to help it grow? We outline a few areas to help - from SEO to email marketing |
8 Jun | Before deciding whether to become VAT registered or not, we thought it would be helpful to compile this list of 5 things you should know about registering. |
31 May | It can be tricky getting this part right, so we’ve devised some tips for you to help you decide on a name that fits. |
24 May | With Apple Pay, Paym and Android Pay available in the UK, how can you take advantage of mobile payments for your business? |
18 May | Take a look at the top 5 reasons why your application could be rejected. |
4 May | When weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of owning a company have you considered that some of the advantages can have pitfalls within them that are not obvious at first glance? |
27 Apr | Unsure about payroll, or just about to take your first steps? We've outlined some of the basics to give you a head start |
19 Apr | Register your company for Protected Online Filing (PROOF) with Companies House to protect against corporate identity theft |
13 Apr | There are two main types of business insurance that you can have but they aren’t the be-all and end-all. There are many other types you can choose to have as optional extras to protect other aspects of your business. |
6 Apr | We’ve put this post together, highlighting the top 5 things you need to know about VAT. |
20 Mar | Let’s take a look at some of the common terms used and what they mean for you as a company owner. |
9 Mar | To help you on your accounting journey, we’ve compiled some of the basic terms and explained why you need to know them. |
24 Feb | Most businesses have strategies for how they will succeed in both the short and long term. So let’s take a look at what some of these strategies are. |
16 Feb | A common misconception is that anyone can become a company director. While this is mostly true, there are some limitations you need to be aware of. |
3 Feb | Marketing can be tough for any business. We highlight 8 low cost, affordable marketing methods to help raise your businesses profile and awareness |
27 Jan | The business life cycle is made up of four stages that every business goes through as time progresses. These stages are Launch, Growth, Maturity and Decline/Renewal. |
17 Jan | While it sounds simple enough to set up, as long as all parties agree to set up the business, it can be deceptively complicated. So let’s look at the top 5 things you need to know about business partnerships. |
13 Jan | It may feel as though you need to work 24 hours a day on your company, but that leaves you with no free time at all. So what can you do to regain control of your time and give yourself the free time you deserve? |
5 Jan | While side hustles can be a good way to make money, there is also an element of risk that comes with them, as well as some checks you need to do before you set up and start earning money. But what do you need to do before setting up your side hustle? |
19 Dec | While making several mistakes consecutively can lead to the failure of the business, if you’re able to recover from them, then you can move on in business in the right direction. |
15 Dec | During the current cost of living crisis, not only have households been affected, but businesses have too. If you’re finding it difficult to see the future of your business because of a lack of new clients, this is the post for you. |
7 Dec | You have big plans for the future of your business, whether you’re looking towards expansion, increased production, or simply want to raise some capital. Whatever your goals are, you need to have the money to back them up. |
30 Nov | Have you ever thought about setting up a charity but are unsure which set-up would be right for you? This post will outline the four different types of set-up that a charity can have. |
22 Nov | In business, you need to have both a strategy and tactics that you can action. But wait, aren’t these the same thing? No, not so much the same thing as two sides of the same coin. |
17 Nov | The current chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, has laid out his first budget. We take a look at some of the key points which may affect your company. |
9 Nov | When you’re contemplating setting up a limited company, you might think it’s as easy as going to Companies House and telling them your business name. Unfortunately, it’s not quite this simple. |
4 Nov | A director can be disqualified for several reasons, including, but not limited to, wrongful trading, fraudulent trading, and ‘unfit’ conduct. |
27 Oct | How can you restore a company using Administrative Restoration? |
19 Oct | Dividends are a sum of money that limited companies can pay out to their shareholders. |
14 Oct | Each of the different legal structures has its own tax implications, reporting requirements and management structure. |
11 Oct | While it’s not a pleasant feeling, knowing you’re going to be closing your business, there are signs you can look out for to say when you should be closing. |
30 Sep | When you’re running a company, there are certain struggles that you will need to overcome before you can become successful. |
23 Sep | Let's take a look at the records you need to keep and how long you need to keep them. |
16 Sep | The company secretary plays a crucial role in the running of the company, so you need to understand their role before deciding whether or not having one is right for your company. |
7 Sep | When you become a director of a limited company, there are seven main legal duties that you take on relating to running a company. In this post, we aim to highlight these legal duties and how you can ensure you’re doing everything above board. |
1 Sep | While we don’t like being negative, it’s good to be prepared for if your business fails and plan how you’re going to move forward. |
24 Aug | For your company to benefit from Limited Liability, Companies House states that your details must be open and transparent. This openness and transparency includes having a registered address where you can be reached if required. |
18 Aug | Take a look at what Corporation Tax is, the current rate of Corporation Tax, how you register to pay it, when it has to be paid, and how you can pay it. |
10 Aug | Because dissolved companies don’t have a legal existence, you can reuse the name for your own company but are there any drawbacks? |
3 Aug | Off-payroll working rules (also known as IR35) were designed and brought in to combat tax avoidance by workers and the firms who hire them. |
28 Jul | You might think that your shareholders will be around for the lifetime of the company. But have you considered some of the reasons your shareholders may leave and what will happen once they do? |
22 Jul | Limited liability and means that directors cannot be held liable for any debts incurred by the company. So if directors aren’t liable for company debts, who is? |
14 Jul | There are three main business structures you can choose from, but which one is right for you? |
5 Jul | When you’re running your own company, you’re in charge of managing your pension; no one can do it on your behalf, you will need to understand your options and how you can make payments into your pension fund. |
28 Jun | It's not as simple as hitting the retirement age and deciding not to work anymore. Some steps and processes must be completed before you can resign from your company. |
21 Jun | As long as the Director’s Loan Account is in credit, there is no need to pay any tax on the balance. However, if the account is overdrawn at the end of your company’s financial year, you may need to pay tax. |
15 Jun | This post will highlight the differences between Flat Rate and standard VAT, and some of the benefits and drawbacks of using the Flat Rate Scheme. |
10 Jun | You can only use the voluntary strike off process if your company is still solvent, so be careful and make sure you can go through the process. |
31 May | Dividends can be an important part of rewarding shareholders, but understanding how they're taxed can be tricky |
29 Apr | You need to decide the number of employees you have working at the company; this is important when looking at both employment law and your tax obligations. |
22 Apr | If your business manufactures or imports packaging with less than 30% recycled plastic, you will be required to pay tax at the rate of £200/tonne. |
30 Mar | Company owners need to invest an amount of money into the business in the form of share purchases. The total sum of money invested in share purchases is known as the share capital of the company. |
22 Mar | Written resolutions can be an essential part to running a limited company. We take a look at when and why you use them. |
25 Feb | With Making Tax Digital (MTD) becoming a requirement for the majority of VAT registered business, what do you need to know to remain compliant? |
18 Feb | Dormant companies can be useful in certain scenarios. How can you take advantage of this company status? |
11 Feb | How do you grow your business? What are the next steps you need to take to make sure your business is the best that it can be? |
31 Jan | Invoicing is a crucial part of running a business. We take a look at what needs to be included, and how you can simplify your invoicing process |
14 Jan | AGMs happen once a year and give shareholders and opportunity to review the company performance. But what should be included? |
10 Dec | It's likely to be a term you've come across before as part of setting up your new company, but what is it, why is it important, and what happens there? |
28 Oct | Have you ever wondered whether you should change from your current legal structure to the other?
This post aims to highlight some of the differences between them so that you can decide what’s best for your business in the long run. |
22 Oct | Without knowing the financial stability of your business, you could experience damage and even face legal action from creditors. |
14 Oct | Paying dividends can be a tax-efficient way of taking money from your company. Tax is calculated differently and there are some dos and don'ts to consider too. |
29 Sep | If you have a brand new business and you've never been a business owner before, it can be hard to know how to budget. Here are some common mistakes to avoid. |
24 Sep | Let’s delve into some of the misconceptions that surround setting up a business. |
16 Sep | There may come a time when the new hire asks a question that you know you have answered, or they do something backwards that you know you’ve trained them to do in the correct way, leading to feelings of frustration. |
10 Sep | What happens if your employees are too sick to carry on working? By law, you have to pay your employees and workers Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) when they meet the eligibility criteria. |
3 Sep | You might think that starting a business is a daunting task where everything has to be done at the same time for it to be successful. But what if it didn’t have to be like that? What if you could break it down into manageable steps? |
5 Aug | Share splitting is an option open to companies whereby each share will be subdivided into two or more new shares. This means that the individual will hold more shares but each share will have a lower nominal value. |
30 Jul | When your company receives a County Court Judgement (CCJ) and assuming you cannot immediately settle it, the creditor will take immediate action against you. |
22 Jul | It’s the goal of most business owners to see their business grow and increase revenue. But how can you scale your business successfully while maintaining all the work you have already put into your business? |
13 May | When you’re thinking about setting out on your own, you may find yourself overwhelmed by what you need to fill out and what you need to keep for your own records. However, when you use a Formation Agent, the whole process is made that much easier. |
11 Mar | What do you need to think about before starting a company with your spouse? |
4 Mar | Incorporation is the legal process of registering and forming a limited company. This means that, by law the company and the individual are separate from one another which gives added peace of mind. |
14 Jan | - |
17 Dec | It's likely that while running a management company, you'll have to deal with some tough decisions and manage disputes too. But how should this be done? |
10 Dec | If you have a leasehold property in the UK, in most cases the freehold will be owned by a company. What does it mean to be a director of a management company? |
23 Oct | You may have considered hiring an accountant for your company, but unsure of the benefits to justify the cost. |
18 Aug | If you're below the VAT threshold you can still voluntarily register. We take a look at the pros and cons. |
31 Jul | Limited companies are legal entities responsible for their own finance and thus, all business-related finance needs to be accurately recorded as well as made fully traceable at all points of time. |
24 Jul | Did you know, that around 60% of new businesses fail in the first year? There are some common mistakes you can avoid. |
20 Jul | You probably know the importance of cash flow forecasting, but what does it consist of, and what should you think of? |
30 Jun | It doesnt matter what type of business you run, or what industry you are in, cashflow is always a key metric to measure. But how can you forecast it? |
28 May | Starting a business can be a challenge at the best of times. But starting one in lockdown presents new challenges to overcome. |
30 Apr | With the lockdown in full force, how can you stay connected with your team and clients? |
24 Apr | These are difficult and uncertain times for many businesses, regardless of industry or size. So what can you do to help your business survive? |
31 Mar | How to keep the right clients, the importance of feedback, consistency and communication in maintaining a business relationship. |
24 Mar | An update on the situation from Company Wizard |
11 Mar | You may be looking to run a charity to give something back, but there are certain things you need to consider |
28 Feb | When you're just starting out, saying "yes" to every opportunity may seem like a good idea. But sometimes, it's better to say "no" to get more done. |
18 Feb | When running a business, you're likely to hit a bump in the road at some point. But you can turn that into a positive and use it to improve. |
29 Jan | Sometimes you need to break the mould and push the boundaries to stand out to potential clients. |
14 Jan | The Companies House Confirmation Status is scheduled to replace the old Annual Return in June 2016 as part of The Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act. |
13 Dec | What comes to mind when you think of customer loyalty? There may be more to it than what you realise. |
12 Nov | If your partner is only focusing on their success and not that of the business or the other partners involved, it's likely that it's a one-way situation. This isn't conducive to having a good partnership. |
28 Oct | When you're running a small business, you may find that your purse strings are being squeezed and you're trying to make your business work while on a small budget. |
11 Oct | Developing a company mission statement can be a tricky and time-consuming task. So what is the best way for companies to get the best value from it? |
27 Sep | The sudden death or illness of a company owner can have consequences for any size business, let alone a small business. |
12 Sep | Over the past few years, the number of young entrepreneurs registered with Companies House has increased sharply. If you're considering it, here are some things to consider before taking the plunge. |
6 Sep | Directors have certain responsibilities when it comes to running a company. If you fail to meet these, it could lead to disqualification. But how does it affect being a director? |
30 Aug | Sometimes youll have a customer go quiet and wonder "Was it something I said?". Theres a chance youve had a communication blunder without realising it, or knowing how to recover from it. |
23 Aug | Running a business can be tough, and staying motivated when things aren't going as smooth as could be, can be tricky. So, how do you overcome it? |
16 Aug | When you've set up your new business, you may find that your work-life balance is out of sync for a while until you get into the swing of things. But this is undoubtedly harder when you're also a parent. |
8 Aug | Narcissists have an overwhelming need to be admired and can lack empathy and other components of healthy emotions. It can be tricky to work with them, but there are ways to help overcome obstacles. |
31 Jul | Surveys are a great way to capture customer feedback and learn more about their experience with your business. But getting them right can be a tricky process. So, what should be avoided? |
25 Jul | Company directors have a special responsibility and need to be well informed about what's happening in their company. Just don't forget, if something goes wrong, the buck ultimately stops with you. |
19 Jul | When you're just starting out, it may seem like you need to accept every possible customer. But some customers may not be the right fit for your business. |
5 Jul | Issuing invoices are a key part of any business, so ensuring you issue them correctly can mean a big difference for the business with its cashflow. |
24 Jun | Worried about what you've heard about starting a new company? Don't believe everything you hear - we're busting the myths for you! |
14 Jun | Some customers need a little more help than others and making sure these customers receive the right support will ensure your company succeeds. |
6 Jun | There may be certain individuals achieving the results for your company, but if it's at the expense of other employees, what can be done to help the situation? |
31 May | How to measure and define success in your business using turnover, profits customer feedback and set targets. |
24 May | Understanding a situation from both sides can help you understand your colleagues better, and improve your leadership style too. |
17 May | A good customer experience can go a long way to help give your business the reputation it deserves, and ensuring employees are happy can have a domino effect to your customers. |
10 May | Managing a small business can be a juggling act at times. So when it comes to hiring an accountant, making sure you're hiring the right person is important. |
3 May | Balancing your work and personal life can be tricky, but it's also essential to try and prevent becoming burnt out - for both you and your employees. |
23 Apr | Sometimes having big plans for your business can seem great, but having a clear plan and vision can help make your business run smoother |
11 Apr | Starting a business can be an exciting time, but making some decisions without much thought can cause a few problems. |
5 Apr | If you're running a business from home, you may not have the correct insurance. Home Business Insurance may be needed to protect you and your business. |
29 Mar | Starting your own business can seem a little daunting and a complicated process when you're on the outside, looking in. So, what should you consider? |
21 Mar | Record keeping is important in running a business - we run through
what important records you should be keeping |
28 Feb | CVAs have been in the news quite a bit recently with various companies falling into troubled waters. But how does a CVA work? We take a look |
22 Feb | In 2018 Data Protection changed with the introduction of GDPR, including new rights, new laws and new ways. |
8 Feb | Running a company can be a challenge for some, but ensure you know what you're responsible for can help you keep on top of things. |
31 Jan | If you are just starting out as a limited company, there are some things you need to consider. Don't forget to research your ideas beforehand to ensure it's success too. |
21 Jan | Some businesses have to come to an end. This can be because of retirement or wanting to focus on something new. Whatever the reason, there are certain things that need to be done. |
9 Jan | A big part of growing your business online is ensuring it's being noticed and seen, and ensuring your found by the right people is vital. |
20 Dec | In business, it always pays to be cautious, there can be threats from any angle. So how can you protect your company from fraud and unscrupulous people? |
12 Dec | Health and Safety is one of the many things you need to stay on top of when running a business. But it can be tricky to know where to start, or even what you need to do. |
30 Nov | Online reviews are a part of most businesses, but they're not always positive. How should you be dealing with these? We take a look in our blog post, and offer you some tips. |
27 Nov | Being self-employed can be a rewarding time, but also a stressful one. Remember to keep on top of things and maintain a low stress level. |
9 Nov | One of the many things you'll come across as a limited company, is Corporation Tax. We take a look at how it works and how it affects your business. |
30 Oct | The chancellor, Philip Hammond, has announced the budget - the last one before Brexit. But what does it mean for businesses? |
26 Oct | Time may seem against you when running a business, and a disaster recovery plan may be bottom of your to-do list. But it can be a bit of a life saver should you need it. |
19 Oct | Are you just setting up your business? Here's some key points to consider while you're setting up |
28 Sep | Ready to move on up to your first office? It's an exciting time, but it can come with it's challenges. |
20 Sep | With work, sometimes comes travel. But travelling for business isn't always as straightforward as travelling for pleasure. |
6 Sep | Did you know, as a business there are certain expenses you can claim on your self assessment tax return? |
31 Aug | If you've worked hard coming up with a great idea, you'll want to ensure it's protected to prevent someone else using it. We outline the laws that help you. |
28 Aug | If you're just starting out in business, you may think you don't need insurance. But there are some instances where it would be a good idea |
17 Aug | Depending on your industry, you may require a licence to operate. From alcohol to entertainment, from driving to waste collection. |
13 Aug | You've seen them, you can recognise other companies using theirs, but what exactly is a trademark, and should you have one? |
25 Jul | Turning a hobby or side hustle into a full time business can seem like a good opportunity. But there are a few things to consider first. |
16 Jul | The business structure may vary as widely as businesses that are using them. While setting up a business, choosing the right structure is prime to the life and success of a company. |
4 Jul | Streamlining a business to ensure it's cost effective is an important move to ensure it's viable. We take a look at a few different options to reduce your costs and increase profit as a result. |
29 Jun | If you're just starting out as a contractor, using an umbrella company may seem like the perfect way to gain new work. We look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of this way of working. |
22 Jun | Some companies take sides when it comes to politics - from Brexit, to tax. Before you consider whether your company should do the same, we have a few things for you to consider. |
13 Jun | If you're launching a new business, or even a new product or service, ensuring it has the right price is a key part of the process. We take a look at several strategies that could help. |
5 Jun | Mental health is important for everyone, but being self employed can mean you're prone to feeling isolated. How can networking help? |
30 May | You may have come across a DUNS number in various places, but what are they and how do you get one? |
24 May | Looking to import or export goods? EORI numbers can be part of the process, but if you're unsure what they are, read on |
15 May | There are some simple and concrete actions that can help to save your business some money as well as helping it to run in a more sustainable way. |
4 May | Bankruptcy is a serious situation to be in, but are you still allowed to run your own business? We look at the rules around this to put you on the right path |
30 Apr | You may have seen your WebFiling Auth Code on your portal, or been asked for one by an accountant or other representative. But what are they, and where do you get them? |
23 Apr | If you're thinking of going full time self employed, or just earning a bit of extra income, you may be looking for the perfect idea. we look at some examples of potential opportunities. |
17 Apr | If your company is making enough profit, it may wish to pay a dividend. But a shareholder doesn't have to accept it. We look at how this would unfold. |
11 Apr | Setup a Tide business bank account for your new statup company |
26 Mar | Passive income is a great way to ensure your business can keep ticking over, even during quiet periods. We take a look at what it is, and how you could take advantage of it. |
16 Mar | Running your own company doesn't always lead to success, but it doesn't necessarily have to mean the end of the road. |
8 Mar | We've updated your Company Wizard Dashboard. You can now monitor any company you like and instantly see all your key filing dates. |
8 Mar | Struggling to manage your time? We highlight some tips to help you keep yourself on track |
23 Feb | Presenting yourself correctly can be a challenge, especially if you're not used to it. These tips can help you set off on the right foot to make a good impression |
16 Feb | Every company has a duty to submit documents to Companies House by a certain date; but what happens if you miss the deadline? |
9 Feb | If you've just started a new company, you may be wondering how you should be paid. We take a look at PAYE and Dividends and how they may apply to you |
5 Feb | If you're in a partnership you may be wondering why you should become an LLP. There are several advantages of course, including limited liability. |
26 Jan | Every company has them in various classes and amounts. We take a look at exactly what shares are and how they fit into your company. |
19 Jan | There may come a time where you need to remove a shareholder from your company. We take a look at the options in some common situations. |
8 Jan | Shares can belong to different class, each with their own dividend and voting rights. But do you need them, and should your company have them? |
22 Dec | There may be a time where a company needs to claim back the shares it's issued. We take a look at some of the possible situations where this may happen, and how it works. |
15 Dec | Has your company been dissolved? Did you know that you could restore it? We take a look at the options and what's involved. |
11 Dec | Chances are, you've heard of these documents, and if you've already incorporated, you will already have them. But what are they and what do they do? |
30 Nov | The Money Laundering Regulations apply to a number of business sectors to reduce the amount of money being laundered in the UK. But how does it work, and does it affect you? |
23 Nov | Maturing from a start-up into an enterprise with branches expanding into various locations, be it in the state, country or even worldwide, is a dream for all entrepreneurs. |
20 Nov | Have you ever come across an unlimited company before? What's the difference, and are there any advantages over a limited company? |
3 Nov | It's likely you've come across Prescribed Particulars, but do you know what they are and how they apply to your company? |
27 Oct | You may feel that there are always obstacles in your way when trying to run a business. Don't panic! We look at 5 common issues, and how you can overcome them. |
18 Oct | Taking a break from work is always needed to help recharge your batteries. But when you're running your own business, it can seem a bit daunting. |
13 Oct | Ensuring your workforce remain upbeat and positive is an important part of running your business. But how do you create a positive culture? |
10 Oct | Some decisions are easy to make, but others can be the difference between success or failure within your business. We look at some key decisions that most business owners will need to make. |
28 Sep | Communication can help a business thrive if it's done correctly. So what should you be doing? |
21 Sep | Board meetings are important for any company, and ensuring a meeting runs smoothly can be tricky. However, the key thing is to plan ahead. |
15 Sep | Every business should understand the need for loyal customers, but how can you help build brand trust and your regular customer base? |
4 Sep | Everyone talks about business markets and being in them. But what are they actually talking about? |
31 Aug | It may have been your goal all along, or you may just decide now is the right time. Selling your business can be an emotional time, but being prepared will help you through the process. |
21 Aug | Confused about Brexit and Article 50, or even how it could affect your business? You're not alone. |
4 Aug | In May 2016 a London receptionist set up a petition after she was sent home from work after refusing to wear high heels. But it's still making headlines today. |
28 Jul | Starting a company in the UK can be an exciting time. But what if you're not based in the UK yourself? Can you still start a company here? |
20 Jul | We take a look at some of the common mistakes made when a company is being incorporated, and some tips to avoid them |
7 Jul | How green is your office? There are benefits all round - for the company, for your employee, and even for your own pocket. |
30 Jun | Business insurance can be complex and confusing, especially with various types of cover available. But we try to highlight what each type covers to help you make the right decision for your company |
23 Jun | With upcoming changes to the Data Protection laws in the UK, it's important to ensure you are on top of them to avoid any potential issues. |
15 Jun | A business plan is the documentation of a company's overall purpose. It includes the services and/or products provided by the company. |
8 Jun | We all know how customer service should be in business, but this isn't always the case. So what should you be avoiding, and how can you make sure your business stands out for the right reasons? |
31 May | Confused about your reference dates and accounting periods? Let us help make sense of it all with explanations and examples. |
16 May | Running a business from home can be stressful but rewarding. We look at some key pointers to help you keep on top of your workload and help things run as smooth as possible. |
5 May | In a technology filled world and many roles being replaced by computers, is the role of an accountant still relevant? |
20 Apr | The Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act received Royal Assent on March 2015, find out more about the schedule of changes here. |
18 Apr | Budgeting is a key part to ensuring your business runs smoothly, so make sure you avoid common issues highlighted in our blog post |
7 Apr | If you're considering the options to expand your workforce, hiring an apprentice could be the way to go. |
31 Mar | If you're considering whether or not to start as a limited company, this post is for you. We look at some things you should consider and the advantages of a limited company structure |
10 Mar | Hiring can be a tricky time, but also an exciting one. But there are a few things you should account for before diving into the deep end |
2 Mar | Entrepreneurs can make many mistakes which could cost their business. We've highlighted 10 more to help keep your business moving forward |
23 Feb | Virtual addresses are popular amongst home based companies, but there are many other situations where you may wish to take advantage of them. |
17 Feb | If you're struggling to make the most of your working week, then there may be a few changes you could make to help improve your organisation and time management skills |
31 Jan | Sickness is something that happens in any line of business, and dealing with it effectively can help your business continue to run smoothly. |
20 Jan | We want to make the incorporation process as simple as possible. Our graphic shows you our step-by-step process to put you on the road to running your own company. |
11 Jan | We conclude our series of tips and tricks with 5 final pointers to help you with running a successful business |
6 Jan | Identify stress in the workplace early to ensure your workforce remains efficient. Do you know how to spot it and help employees cope with it? |
17 Nov | If you're looking for investment, you may need to work out how much your business is actually worth - but where do you start? |
11 Nov | Looking for more tips to help you keep your company running smoothly? We have 5 more for you |
4 Nov | Networking is a key tool for anyone running their own business. We look at some tips on how to prepare to make a good impression and gain new contacts. |
19 Oct | We take a look at some of the common mistakes that entrepreneurs make, and how to avoid them. |
27 Sep | Have you ever considered registering a trade mark? Trademarks can be a great way to help protect images and text that are vital for your brand or business |
23 Sep | Crowdfunding is a popular way to help fund a new business. We look at the different types available and whether they could be suitable for your business |
22 Sep | You may have come across a merchant account before, but what are they, and should you have one? |
14 Sep | If you manage a team of people within your business, there are certain theories on how to manage them correctly. We look at Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and The Nudge Theory |
12 Sep | Liquidation can be a daunting time for any business. So what does liquidation involve? What happens during liquidation? |
9 Sep | You've probably come across SIC codes before, but do you know what they are or how they're used? |
5 Sep | Looking for some pointers to help you kick start your new business? We have 5 tips to help you get started |
2 Sep | If you're a pregnant director and confused about maternity pay, don't panic. We take a look at some of the general rules and some useful links too |
31 Aug | Have you been asked for a Certificate of Good Standing for your company? We take a look at what they are, and why you may need one |
26 Aug | If you're unsure about subsidiary companies, or want to know how to set up, we look at why it should be done and how we can help. |
23 Aug | If you have shares in a private limited company and wish to transfer them, are you aware of the process of transferring them and stamp duty? |
19 Aug | National Insurance can be a daunting part of the tax system, but it doesn't have to be. We take an overview of the system and some key points on what you need to know. |
15 Aug | Confused by the different types of business structures you could set up? From Sole Trader to Partnerships, we highlight some of the benefits and disadvantages |
10 Aug | If you're pitching your business, make sure you're on top form with our pitch checklist |
5 Aug | Confused about what you need in order to form a new company? Don't panic - we take a look at the details and information you need to supply in the incorporation process. |
4 Aug | So you've set up a new limited company, but where do you go from here? From rules to success - we look at where you go next |
1 Aug | There's no need to be confused with all the different company terms flying around - take a look at some of the common terms used, and what they mean |
29 Jul | You may be considering a change in your company's name - maybe to give it a bit of a polish, or maybe because your business' focus has changed. But do you know how to change it? |
28 Jul | If you're looking to run a business from home, there are a few things to be considered, including business rates and even your mortgage |
27 Jul | There are many advantages and good points to running a business, but have you ever thought of the bad points? It's not all doom and gloom, but there are things you need to consider. |
26 Jul | Confused by the different roles within a company? We look at three main roles of directors, secretaries and shareholders |
22 Jul | Don't lose yourself in the jungle of Health and Safety. We continue to look at some of the important points of the law |
20 Jul | You have the website, but does your content give it the credit it deserves? We look at some tips for content, including titles and how you can make it shine |
18 Jul | There may be points in the company's life that you need to add or remove a director. We take a look at some of the reasons you may need to do this, and how to do it. |
15 Jul | It's important to connect with your clients and build up a rapport, tailoring your services and products to their needs. |
12 Jul | There are many rights that employees are entitled to, but do you know them? We look at the statutory rights for both employees and employers |
11 Jul | Ensuring that you continually develop your own skills and those of your employees is important for any business. We take a look at why. |
5 Jul | Business innovation helps set businesses apart from each other. We take a look at what business innovation is and the different types you can have |
30 Jun | When incorporating a new company, there are a few forms and documents you'll need to complete the process. But don't panic - we have you covered! |
29 Jun | A Limited Liability Partnership has it's advantages and can be straightforward to set up. We run through some popular questions, and the process |
27 Jun | There are some changes coming into force on the 30th June. We sum up what they mean for companies |
22 Jun | Health and Safety plays an important part in your daily life, but can be a bit of a maze. We look at some of the rules and regulations that you should familiarise yourself with. |
20 Jun | It can be a tricky decision to make. So, let us help - we sum up a few points you should be considering |
16 Jun | Information systems form an important part of your business so it's important to make sure they are right for your use. |
13 Jun | Companies can specify a registered address for the business, and a service address for it's directors. But do you know the difference? |
9 Jun | If your web site is suffering with a high bounce rate, then these tips could help you put it back on the right path. |
31 May | If you're collecting or using personal data, you may need to register with the ICO under the Data Protection Act. We take a look at some key points |
23 May | If you're running a business, you need to appear to be at your best and charismatic, even if deep down you feel different. We take a look at some self confidence boosting tips |
20 May | Trying to post on a regular basis to social media can be difficult. But with the right tools, you can speed this process up and automate it. |
17 May | You've have the idea, you have everything planned, but you need the money. Here's some ways to help finance your new venture |
5 May | In a world full of technology, with more ways to communicate and connect than ever, do business cards still have a place and a purpose? |
4 May | The register of People with Significant Control came into effect on April 6th. This guide covers identification of PSC and implementation with Companies House. |
3 May | Storytelling is a great way to engage your potential clients and help increase sales. Find out why you should be using this technique here. |
22 Apr | You've taken the plunge and decided to set up your own business, but what next? |
18 Apr | Most of us use social media in our private lives, but do you use social media for your business? Here's a few tips to keep you on the right tracks |
14 Apr | The cloud is growing in popularity and proves to be a benefit to many businesses worldwide. But what is it, and should you be using it? |
11 Apr | With many businesses now offering some form of loyalty scheme, could your business benefit from offering one too? |